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Updated: Nov 1, 2023

Melba is thrilled to announce we have been named a finalist in the National Disability Awards 2023 in the Excellence in Service Quality Category. The awards celebrate those working to create an inclusive Australia where people with disability are valued, respected and contribute to the community.

The nomination for this award category highlighted Melba's work to ensure people who use our services are supported to have the highest standard of health and well-being.

We achieve this through a number of foundational practices, including our Complex Health model, and ensuring people’s human rights are supported through our Advocacy, Rights, Representation, Outcomes and Worth (ARROW) groups.

As a trusted NDIS provider in Victoria, Melba always looks for ways to improve our services and ensure that people’s human rights are upheld.

ARROW was formed to ensure people with disability have a real say, directing how their services and supports are delivered.

Our Complex Health model supports a person-centred, “wraparound” approach - with strong partnerships between people we support, their families, staff and health providers to promote and safeguard the health of each person.

At Melba, people receiving supports are at the centre of all planning. This includes identifying potential risks to their health and wellbeing and connecting people to the right supports and services, delivered by confident and highly skilled staff - ultimately leading to better health outcomes.

A massive congratulations to our amazing staff! And congratulations also to our fellow finalists.

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