Get the best care from your trusted NDIS provider in Moe
When people are searching for affordable living along a train line in rural Victoria, Moe can be a great solution. It’s the tree change locals enjoy to get away from the stress of city living, while having easy access to Melbourne. If you’re a carer of a person with disability, you’ll also find a caring NDIS provider in Moe.
Melba support workers are located right across Victoria, so you can find assistance right there in town. As an NDIS provider Gippsland, you’ll also find that Melba has supported independent living (SIL) homes in Moe.
Your NDIS provider in Moe with a high quality of supports and services
When the NDIS came into being, Melba Support became a registered NDIS provider Gippsland and across Victoria expanding on the high quality of supports and services. Melba’s dedicated Practice, Quality and Safeguards team (PQS) ensures people supported continue to receive this high level of support.
The PQS team focusses on:
- The goals of the supported person
- The Personal Outcome Measures that make it possible for the person to achieve those goals
- The right supports being in place for the person to live a fabulous life
- Ensuring the staff know what the person needs
- Monitoring and improving the supports and services
With this focus in place, supported people can access a fully supported and flexible lifestyle through Melba Support.
The suite of services from Melba Support
Whether it is finding a SIL home, receiving support coordination in Moe, accessing respite care or some other service, Melba Support is there to help. Being your NDIS provider in Moe, Melba Support are the go-to team for accessing the right NDIS supports and services.
The best place to start is by accessing Melba’s support coordination Moe. They can assist you along the entire journey.
Melba’s supports and services include:
- Accessing the NDIS
- Core Supports
- Support Coordination
- Adult’s and children’s respite
- Individualised Support Arrangements
- Specialist Disability Accommodation
- Supported Independent Living (SIL)
When it comes to full-time care, Melba has SIL group homes located across Gippsland, in:
- Moe and Moe South
- Bairnsdale
- Drouin
- Leongatha
- Morwell
- Orbost
- Sale
- Traralgon
- Warragul
- Wonthaggi
If you’re a carer it’s important to have those regular breaks. You’ll find Melba respite care homes in:
- Sale (Children)
- Traralgon (Adults)
- Warragul (Children)
Combined with Melba’s innovative and fun, value-based programs and supported holidays, a people with disability can live the life they want.
Find out more.
Contact the Customer Engagement Team on 1300 696 352 or fill in the contact us form below.